Veterans Exiting Homelessness


Military Outreach USA Homelessness Programs:

When a veteran or their family leaves a shelter or transitional housing and moves into an affordable living residence many times they have only the clothes on their backs and a few personal items.

HUD-VASH Partnership with Military Outreach USA Programs

Helping a Homeless Veteran:

Housing Programs for Veterans homeless or at risk:

Success story videos:

The Program:

The Veteran Exiting Homelessness Program, a collaborative effort between Military Outreach USA and the Department of Veterans Affairs, seeks to provide Move‐In‐Essentials to the veteran as they transition to permanent housing. A list of recommended Move‐In‐Essentials is provided so that there is uniformity in collections across the region.

What to do:

Collecting Move‐In‐Essentials is very similar to a food or clothing drive. These are some recommended steps. But there is no hard and fast rule concerning how or who monitors the collection process.

Step 1. Identify someone in your House of Worship or Organization who will be the “go to person” that will keep Military Outreach USA or the local VA contact person informed of donations being collected.

Step 2. If storage is a concern, contact your local municipality, VFW or American Legion Post to see if they have some space you can use until donated items are picked up. Check with a local realtor to see if they know of unused warehouse space that can be used on a temporary basis.

Step 3. Get your youth groups involved. Reach out to area schools, both public and parochial. Many schools encourage community service projects. Make sure to contact your local Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops to help in this community activity.

Step 4. Contact local businesses to provide you with donations or discounts on products listed on the Move‐In‐Essential form.

Step 5. Contact a local veterans organization like the American Legion or VFW to help with collection or delivery.

Step 6. Contact your local media. Nothing generates more interest in a community than a project that will serve veterans.

Step 7. Plan a celebration event for all donors and workers. Appreciation will go a long way for getting help in future drives.

Step 8. Make this program an ongoing part of your community outreach.

Tangible programs to help the Military Community