Serving those in the Military Community since 2011

Mission Statement

Military Outreach USA is a faith-based Judeo-Christian organization focused on Veterans and First-Responder Communities, regardless of their denomination or beliefs, demonstrating the compassion, love and healing of Christ our Lord

Vision Statement

A nation where no one in the Military Community lacks the mental, spiritual, physical or material support needed to live a full and productive life.

As a faith-based organization strategically based in Northbrook, Illinois, Military Outreach USA develops resources, tools and programs to be used to serve the Military Community. These programs and resources are then shared at no cost with our partners.
Each year — in communities throughout the nation — our partners collect move-in-essential items, clothing, food and more to be brought to VA facilities for distribution to qualified Veterans in need. Military Outreach USA actively engages with our partners to help those in the Military Community overcome the invisible wounds of war including Moral Injury. By engaging in a holistic approach to working with our partners the Military Community is served.
We partner, resource and empower our partners through training, mentoring and coaching so they can enhance their presence in their communities. The strategy works best when our partners work with others within their community. By learning about the various resources and tools available our partners can best care for all the needs of those who have served. Our partners serve through their caring.
Military Outreach USA has a formal partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs so that we and our partners can work closely with every VA medical facility to ensure Veterans at the local level are being served. Our partners at the community level–houses of worship, businesses, civic groups, schools and individuals–utilize the resources and tools we provide to help meet the needs of Veterans at the local level. By partnering with caring groups and individuals we are able to serve.
Faith-based – Our Christian faith compels us to demonstrate God’s compassion, love and healing to the Military Community.
Servant Leadership – We demonstrate compassionate support and concern for all members of the Military Community, and work with our Partners to serve those who have served.
Responsiveness – We respond to the needs of our Partners and in turn hold them accountable to respond to the Military Community quickly and effectively.
Teamwork – We work closely with our Partners and other military service providers to ensure the Military Community quickly receives the recognition and support they deserve.
Duty and Honor – In serving the Military Community, we give action to the phrase “A Grateful Nation”.
Advocacy – We educate the public and campaign for the best interests of those in the Military Community.
Integrity and Accountability – We are honest and forthright in our administration, service and outreach activities. We tie these activities directly to our mission and report our results accurately and transparently.