Provide a facility for veterans seeking recovery and restoration to mind, body, and soul. The program will include VA Support, Business Training and Counseling by an experienced staff in a non-judgmental atmosphere where hope converts into opportunity, health and peace.
Through donations and grants we seek to provide temporary transitional living for veterans to include spouses and children.
Mirroring our successes in Missouri, we will locate and develop a facility in the greater Chicagoland area that can house 50 veterans. This facility will also provide dining area, kitchen, community and counseling rooms, bathrooms with showers, laundry and exercise rooms and self-supporting thrift store.
5 Phases to
Serve Veterans
Phase 1:
The Proposal
- Review preliminary project proposal with local business and government that would support a SBMH Veterans’ Community Center.
- Seeking approval of 120-day rent-free period to begin build out of the facility.
- Collaborate payment opportunities toward ownership.
- Experienced facility leadership team is at the ready.
Phase 2:
- Seek monthly finance commitment throughout state and local communities.
- Obtain 24-month donation commitments from 400 donors/sponsors.
- Corporate funding to build out rooms and support for the required facilities.
- Feature fund raising events at the site to include communities and biker events.
- Use current team and recruit others to obtain grants toward supporting the facility.
Phase 3:
- Facilities will be manned 24/7.
- Not-for-profit areas consisting of dorms, living areas, kitchen, dining area, showers and laundry facility.
- Business, employment helps, resources and growth training for veterans.
- For-profit small Thrift Store to obtain self-sufficiency.
Phase 4:
Facility Launch
- A launch date will be determined once a facility is confirmed for use.
- Invite community, leaders, veteran organizations, schools, and sponsors.
- Continued pursuit of funding.
- Corporations and private organizations
Phase 5:
Serving Opportunities
- We can save many, but not all.
- Some veterans are battling invisible wounds and unfortunate circumstances, but desire opportunity for health recovery and to begin anew.
- Post Commanders are committed to vetting veterans seeking recovery and willing to put forth the efforts required to succeed.
Space Concepts
Operations Team

James H. Mukoyama, Jr.
Chairman & CEO
Major General, US Army-Retired ’64-’95; Former Securities Industry Executive, Promise Keeper, Pinnacle Forum Partner, Chair of Stakeholders’ Advisory Council, Department of Veterans Affairs and Hospice patient volunteer. CRU Military Ministry Instructor – Great Lakes Naval Recruit Training Command 2002-2022, Chair of Patient Advisory Council, Lovell Federal Health Care Center, Director Pritzker Military Museum & Library and Friends of Fisher House Illinois. Attends Hope Community Church. Married to K.J. ’71, daughter and son.

Philip “Chappy” Ferrer
Executive Director & OPS Military Outreach USA President; Founder Stand-by-me Heroes; Universities of ASPEN (MBA) & Phoenix (BA); PMP certified
(169682); Chaplain and licensed minister (AG); member of American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Rolling Thunder, Veterans of Foreign Wars, other; married High School sweetheart, son and daughter and 5 grandkids; project locations include:

Toni Wineinger
Facility Director
Founder of the Salutes Homeless Centers in West Plains and Alton Missouri. Career in refurbishing Hotels and Motels across the continental United States; Private Investigator and trainer. Upon retirement found too many veterans in the streets. Along with her husband, Ben Wineinger (Navy), both used their social security checks to rent a warehouse to house veterans and their families. Contacted Military Outreach USA, a partnership began, veterans and communities positively impacted.